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- /* Dice: 1> dcc -l0 -mD dpk.o tags.o Colours.c -o Colours
- **
- ** This source demonstrates use of the Colours module.
- */
- #include <proto/dpkernel.h>
- #include <clib/colours_protos.h>
- BYTE *ProgName = "Colours Demo";
- BYTE *ProgAuthor = "Paul Manias";
- BYTE *ProgDate = "August 1998";
- BYTE *ProgCopyright = "DreamWorld Productions (c) 1998. Freely distributable.";
- BYTE *ProgShort = "Demonstration of the colours module.";
- struct GScreen *screen = NULL;
- struct Restore *restore = NULL;
- struct JoyData *joydata = NULL;
- struct Picture *background = NULL;
- struct Module *ColoursMod = NULL;
- struct FileName BackFile = { ID_FILENAME, "GMS:demos/data/PIC.Green" };
- void Demo(void);
- /***************************************************************************/
- void main(void) {
- if (ColoursMod = OpenModule(MOD_COLOURS,"colours.mod")) {
- COLBase = ColoursMod->ModBase;
- if (background = Load(&BackFile, ID_PICTURE)) {
- if (screen = Get(ID_SCREEN)) {
- CopyStructure(background, screen);
- if (Init(screen,NULL)) {
- if (Copy(background->Bitmap,screen->Bitmap) IS ERR_OK) {
- if (joydata = Get(ID_JOYDATA)) {
- joydata->Port = 1; /* Forces mouse control */
- if (Init(joydata, NULL)) {
- Display(screen);
- Demo();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Free(screen);
- Free(joydata);
- Free(background);
- Free(ColoursMod);
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- LIBFUNC void LightPen(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *Bitmap, mreg(__d1) WORD X, mreg(__d2) WORD Y)
- {
- LightenPixel(Bitmap,X,Y,20);
- }
- LIBFUNC void LightPen2(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *Bitmap, mreg(__d1) WORD X, mreg(__d2) WORD Y)
- {
- LightenPixel(Bitmap,X,Y,15);
- }
- void Demo(void)
- {
- WORD XCoord = screen->Width/2;
- WORD YCoord = screen->Height/2;
- struct HSV HSV;
- WORD Method = NULL;
- WORD held = FALSE;
- ConvertRGBToHSV(DecRGB(100,90,30),&HSV);
- DPrintF("RGBToHSV:","$%.8x = Hue: %d, Sat: %d, Val %d",DecRGB(100,90,30),HSV.Hue,HSV.Sat,HSV.Val);
- DPrintF("Brightness:","%d",CalcBrightness(DecRGB(100,90,30)));
- ConvertRGBToHSV(DecRGB(75,150,105),&HSV);
- DPrintF("RGBToHSV:","$%.8x = Hue: %d, Sat: %d, Val %d",DecRGB(75,150,105),HSV.Hue,HSV.Sat,HSV.Val);
- DPrintF("Brightness:","%d",CalcBrightness(DecRGB(75,150,105)));
- ConvertRGBToHSV(DecRGB(80,160,255),&HSV);
- DPrintF("RGBToHSV:","$%.8x = Hue: %d, Sat: %d, Val %d",DecRGB(80,160,255),HSV.Hue,HSV.Sat,HSV.Val);
- DPrintF("Brightness:","%d",CalcBrightness(DecRGB(80,160,255)));
- SetRGBPen(screen->Bitmap,0xffffff);
- SetPenShape(screen->Bitmap,PSP_CIRCLE,3);
- do
- {
- Query(joydata);
- XCoord += joydata->XChange;
- YCoord += joydata->YChange;
- if (XCoord < 0) XCoord = screen->Width + XCoord;
- if (YCoord < 0) YCoord = screen->Height + YCoord;
- if (XCoord >= screen->Width) XCoord = XCoord - screen->Width;
- if (YCoord >= screen->Height) YCoord = YCoord - screen->Height;
- if (joydata->Buttons & JD_RMB) {
- held = TRUE;
- }
- else if (joydata->Buttons & JD_LMB) {
- if (Method IS 0) {
- BlurArea(screen->Bitmap,XCoord,YCoord,40,40,50);
- }
- else if (Method IS 1) {
- screen->Bitmap->PenUCPixel = &LightPen;
- SetPenShape(screen->Bitmap,PSP_CIRCLE,3);
- PenCircle(screen->Bitmap,XCoord,YCoord,30,FALSE);
- }
- else if (Method IS 2) {
- screen->Bitmap->PenUCPixel = &LightPen;
- PenCircle(screen->Bitmap,XCoord,YCoord,30,TRUE);
- }
- else if (Method IS 3) {
- screen->Bitmap->PenUCPixel = &LightPen;
- SetPenShape(screen->Bitmap,PSP_PIXEL,3);
- PenRect(screen->Bitmap,XCoord,YCoord,30,30,FALSE);
- }
- else if (Method IS 4) {
- screen->Bitmap->PenUCPixel = &LightPen2;
- SetPenShape(screen->Bitmap,PSP_SQUARE,4);
- PenEllipse(screen->Bitmap,XCoord,YCoord,20,40,FALSE);
- }
- }
- else if (held IS TRUE) {
- Method++;
- if (Method > 4) Method = 0;
- held = FALSE;
- }
- LightenPixel(screen->Bitmap,XCoord,YCoord,50);
- WaitAVBL();
- } while ((joydata->Buttons & (JD_RMB|JD_LMB)) != (JD_RMB|JD_LMB));
- }